Wednesday, May 15, 2024


"THE GIRL ON FIRE" - A Blazing Sucess Story of Rashmika Mandannary 


          You made your debut in a Kanada film titeled "kirik party" . How was the experience?
it was entirly a new experience for me.totaly alien to what i've known .There was dodn't the kanada industry back then the maybe that's what  i could keep it as real on -screen as i had absoultly no idea how to act.

 How did it feel to look at you on -screen for the first time?

      Watching myself on -screen for the first time self and surreal .Even today after a couple of movies it feels new.Since the begginning ,untill  now it's been the same thing, it feels like someone else is on-scrren  and not me. Maybe because played so many different characters that it doesn't feel like me.

What did the industry teach you?

           I don't know  how to describe it exactly,may be to be patient. I have been learning a lot every day meeting so many kinds of people,doing plenty new things and visiting ddifferent places. Therefore, I would say the industry keeps teaching me something new every day.

what 's your dream role?
        it depends. I like experience .i like living different lives  and that's what it's been in my films.

Can you tell us about your upcoming movies?
           Well I've PUSHPA lined up for now which has been announced and others i can reveral only after the respective production houses . i am a very secreative person so you will never know.

A genre that you love?

             As an audience ,I am more of a room - com kind of a person and love a complete  mass, action kind of a movie too. I have not watched a horror film in my life ever.

Among all the characters you've played , which one is close to your heart and why?

              I think 'Lilly' I dont even to think twice about it . I loved portrying her in "Dear Comrade" because it felt extremely real and therefore is very close to my heart.

Whom do you consider as your perfect co-star?
                          I think well i've  worked with some of the most amazing people in the industry. Those who I had worked with were perfect for their roles and yeah I don't know who my perfect co-star id.

How did get  into this career? 
      I took was not a planned through; I took part in a Campaign called Fresh Face of the year 2014 . My 'kirik party ' team had seeny picture from there Contact me .I had an audition,got selected and here I am.

What 's your preparation ritual before going to the Shooting spot?

        Well , I prepared so much as possible,of Course you have the Character running in your mind all the time but you never know Completely till you got out there and start living the Character.ittakes a minimum 2 days to week for me start knowing that start the Character Complete but the preparation process Continues for almost the entire film as I try my best to follow my Director instructions to the Core .The first Day is the al most Scriest, Doubing  if I know the Character well, how are people going be on the set , other experience and so on.

  Memory  you recall from the film Greetha Govindam....! 

         My first time memory of the movie was first day shoot of the inkem song. I was style in a saree and 'Challar' theh sen meh mariponam'  was my first scene. I didn't know much of Telugu back then and was struggling with the lines.

How do you Handle Controversy? 

      Yeah, good question.I am okay with it because of people talk as they have no other Choice. I like being in a controversy,it s amusing .No matter the truth I tell, nobody wants to know the actual fact is . They will believe what they want to believe what they want to believe so yeah I actually don't mind.

A style that  sets you apart from others?

         It's being real , it's not a style but I think am as real as anything can get and that's what people like about me 

        What has been  the most beautiful moments in your Career? 

       It when  people show their love,Most beautiful moments has been when my family felt so proud of me for the work I'd done . Also, when people walk out of the theater with apperance like 'Wow that was a good fun film.

How would you define yourself ?

       I can't.dont think  I can or will ever be able to define myself. If you would ask me the same question in about a year , you might get a complete different answer for it and that is exactly why I can't define myself.

What is your Biggest Strength ?

       It's patience. I have a lot of patience My family thinks it's my smile,I took could consider that as my strength,maybe you should ask this to others as to what they is Rashmika biggest strength.

      Your Thoughts on the Concept perfect happiness ?

     Love ,I think  it is absolutely unconditional love from your family, from the people around or anyone you cherish and when yz receive that love, you find happiness. I think all the peace and sanity comes from that kind of a love.

Your Favourite Travel Spot and why?

         Rashmika, tell I want to travel the world. So maybe after I've lived this dream of mine, I shall have an answer but right now I have a long way to go.

Your favourite pets?

 Well for starters and the  I would like to tell that my Home is as huge jungle once you step foot, you will find trees , wild fruits,vegez, everything from snake to new born puppies, German shepherd, pigeon, kittens and what not. I can't choose one among them. On a lighter note, I think my little sister. She is my little pet. She gives me the most joy.

What is  the other side of Rashmika which many don't know about?

        Well we dont  know that side of Rashmika because it's not supposed to be known . I am a secret person; you will have to figure me out. I might seem to be an open book but I think there is more to me than that aspect. It eiz be fun figuring that out.


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